About infrared heat

What is infrared heat?

Infrared heaters use radiant heat technology to warm surfaces, which means NO hot air blowing on you causing dry skin and eyes. The technology is clean—NO emissions, NO moving parts, and NO extra dust.

Are all classes heated?

Our large studio (Studio 1) has nine infrared heaters, and the space can reach 95+ degrees F during heated yoga classes. If you’re not into the heat, sign up for our non-heated yoga class on our schedule.

What are the benefits of infrared heat?

Infrared heat technology is proven to provide many benefits! It's used in therapeutic applications and is widely popular in boutique, home, and gym settings. If you ask us, it just feels DAMN GOOD...but some benefits include:

  • Increased flexibility

  • Reduced stress

  • Better sleep

  • Increased circulation and metabolism

  • Reduced blood pressure

  • Increased athletic recovery, reduced pain, and inflammation

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